I'm so sorry for my near week long hiatus. It's been a very busy week for us, especially from Thursday through today! But I'm finally back at it and I'm going to try to be more consistent again. We have a big event coming up this week that I want to make sure I get up on the day!
Anyway, since I missed out on 6 days of pictures, I'm going to put up 6 pictures here to catch up. A bunch of randomness that's been going on here lately!
My Great Aunt made this really cute little hat that she sent to Abby a few years back. The kids have taken it and made it one of their "dress up" hats. Emma decided to come out and model it off! What a cutie!

Another of the dress up bests! The dynamic duo at work again!

Catey bug LOVES bath time. She giggles and laugh the whole time playing in the tub!

Jake was getting mad at me for whatever reason. I happened to have my camera in hand at the time. Snapped the pic and then laughed at the results. Needless to say, that cheered his foul mood!

Look at our other babies! Their getting so big! It's fun to go out and watch them now, romp and play and all. That's what the kids do a lot now! Here's 4 of our 5 babies, the 5th was hiding in the shed there, but it looks identical to the gray and white one. The 2 gray and whites look identical to momma!

Ballroom dancing anyone?! Em and Jake got all dressed up today to go visit Great Grandma. While they were waiting for everyone else to get ready, they decided to dance around the room!
