Christmas Pictures
The reason I've been neglecting my blog is I went back to school last month to get my Bachelor's in Elementary Ed at SIUE so I've had tons of homework just between 2 classes (so glad I'm only taking 2!!!).
Also, I've been doing a lot of crocheting. Updated my website, Stitch Fairy, to include my crochet creations. I've had a few sales, so I'm working on getting those done. I also plan to add more items so check back. I may even have to opportunity to sell at a local baby boutique!
And yes, in between all that, I have my wonderful kids! They keep me busy as well, but they also like to help me with all my projects. I think they may be crafty like their momma! Abby's wanting me to teach her how to crochet and she's already practicing some finger crochet. Emma loves to draw and does some great art work already. Jake is less crafty inclined, but if it involves helping his momma, he's there (BIG momma's boy!). Catey just takes it all in.
And if you made it through all of that, I shall reward you with recent pics of the kiddos!! hehe! Granted, these aren't as recent as I'd like, since I've not been taking as many pics here lately! Sorry!
Awww, don't they look so sweet! Don't let them fool you! lol
What a good big sister! She got her baby sister to sleep and held her!
He was putting on Abby's jammies and saying he was Abby. What a silly boy! (I don't think he expected a pic)
Wrestling with daddy. I think daddy got ganged up on!
Look at how big my little princess is getting! Just chillin in Emma's chair!!