It's been a while again. I'm not purposely avoiding posting, but I hardly get a moment of quiet to type one of these out. And I had thought of blogs between now and then, but never got a chance to post one. I figure I'll take this opportunity to post a quick one.
The reason I get a moment is my kiddos are sick. Big bummer! But they are a lot more calm and complacent. We were doing really good and haven't been sick since before Catelyn was born. Sunday started our new round and it just keeps getting worse. I had to call poor Abby into school the last 3 days because she has a horrible cough and fever, on top of runny nose. Jake and Emma have the same. So far, Catey just seems a bit stuffy, and that's all. Me, stuffed up, runny nose, sinus pressure, scratchy throat. Fun fun.
I started Spring Cleaning this week and am doing pretty well staying on schedule. Yesterday was the most difficult day because Jacob was super whiny. My goal is to clean this house, top to bottom, then repaint most or all the rooms. With my schedule, I'm doing a room a week. This week is the kitchen's turn. Maybe I'll put up a pic and divulge my secret of how I get it done with 4 kids, when I'm done with the kitchen. This is just trial week.
I promise to try to get more posts up. I feel bad for neglecting this. But when I get a chance to sit, I forget what I planned to type out. Such is life of the mom of 4.
Wow, you really do have a lot of energy. I can hardly manage to make dinner. I seem to just meet myself coming and going. I'd love to see the pics when you get your rooms done, one by one!