It's been a little busy around here with Emma's birthday, party prep, and party. Here are a few highlights of our last week. Again the pics are a little centered around Emma, but she has been the star of the show all week!
All the kids on Em's b-day waiting for Daddy to bring in Em's present! They're so cute!

On Em's birthday, she got a Beauty Salon from Mom and Dad, can you see she LOVES IT! She likes to pretend to do our hair, so this was a definite hit!

My best friend Kyla sent Em an awesome package in the mail. Here she is trying on her b-day tiara and new coat. She's such a ham!
Catey all ready to party on Saturday! She's just too cute!

Em blowing out her candles at the party! We had an awesome turn out! I loved getting to see everyone there. Em loved all her gifts!

Playing with some of her new gifts! She's just too cool for me!
The cake is awesome, we almost got that one for Aaliyah's!! Em looks like she had a blast and super happy with everything :)